All over the Yuba-Sutter area, there were a few homes that looked like this yesterday.
They are all decked out and ready for their respective service member's return.
There were flags staked on the ground, and kids ready to wave and welcome their personal heroes with a kiss, a hug and big hello.
There are also the wives, that have been counting the days, staying strong, staying sane, watching the calendar's days get closer and closer to this date.
And they strut down the airport, with anticipation, with love and along side them, they also carried some pride.
They watched the minutes pass, closer and closer to the touchdown. The planes are coming, the wives smiling and waiting.
The signs are all ready, the walk down the stairs just seconds, and counting.
A big hug for the guy, hero to many, daddy just to him.
A kiss for the Mrs., like time stood still, the world has to wait, because this lady sure did.
A hi, and a hello, well, to baggage we go.
Bags are grabbed, to home by the grassy fields, the train track sounds, comfort will settle in.
Pretty sure this little guy is glad that his dad is safe. Today is a good day, because of guys like him, our nights stay still.